Straight-forward speed-race is fun. Occasional use of a weapon adds extra twist.

Four distinct weapons are available (randomly) during a head-to-head duel. Each player is given a random weapon (appearing on the top-left corner of the screen) when the duel begins. You don't need to use it, but if used, the next weapon will not appear until your opponent retaliate. (Exception: Deployment of a spy will immediately start generating the next one.)

1. If you rather want a peaceful session, you may effectively enforce it by choosing not to retaliate. You may have suffered a hit, but beating your opponent peacefully will make you a superior Doku warrior.
2. Basic weapons are free, but some may consume eCapsule. (each weapon will appear with a small indicator if it consumes eCapsule)
3. Use the weapon sparingly. Doku is not a first-person-shooter game. Its primary pleasure draws from cracking a hard puzzle. Yet, judicious timing of a weapon deployed against a formidable opponent could be tempting.
4. Weapons that affect several cells may vary statistically in their accuracy and impact. You will be notified of its impact when it detonates.

Canon sets your opponent back in the targeted cell. Deployed on a random cell, it may yield no effect if the cell is empty or if it is part of the original cipher.

Rocket destroys potentially multiple cells in the immediate neighbor of the target. Its impact, however, varies statistically. On average, it could set your opponent back by four moves assuming that all cells in the 3x3 area had been filled.

Spy steals and copy a move from your opponent. Usually it will be the latest move made by the opponent unless you pick a particular cell to peek at. It may come back empty handed or bring a redundant inforrmation. Your opponent will not find about the activity. Unlike other weapons, using the spy immediately grants you the next weapon.

Sabotage will plant a hidden bomb on your opponent's camp. The bomb remains dormant until your opponent use his weapon against you. This makes that weapon backfire on the opponent. You will be notified of the delicious outcome.

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