eCapsule is a virtual commodity that serves several functions. Doku displays its inventory at the end of each session at the bottom of the screen. A Doku cipher is not just a random array of number/symbols. In a way, one could say that generation and solution of a Doku cipher involves negative entropy. eCapsule is its mediating commodity.


First-time Doku player starts with a fixed amount of eCapsules on each device. A new cipher generally consumes a capsule (through
normal attrition) and tends to diminish your inventory. However, it is possible for determined players to buck this trend.

If you finish a puzzle within your average time, eCapsule(s) are gained. Newly gained capsules take some time (up to several hours, but significantly less as you mature) to become available. On the other hand, premature resignation results in immediate losses. If you lag yourself, you lose some. The stake involved will progressively increase for higher difficulty and maturity levels. For the Duel players at the White level, the normal attrition is waived. Therefore, players who hone their skills and follow a consistent strategy, have a fair chance grow their eCapsule wealth. Note, however, that the stockpile is capped at 100. Optional actions, such as inviting friend(s) to a dokugram-challenge or using premium weapons in duels, cost a capsule.

A bundle of eCapsules is available for purchase if you become desperately short on them and decide that the alternative way to acquire them too tedious. You may also consider the packages that unlock the levels altogether. With an unlock installed, Doku will keep generating fresh puzzles even when your eCapsule inventory hits zero. Note that even if you purchase an unlock package, the loss (other than normal attrition) and awarding of eCapsules continue, as their utility for optional functions (as described in preceding paragraphs) lives on. Therefore, you want to manage them carefully, especially if you are into competitions.

Note: The unlock purchases are sync'd for all devices if they share the same App Store account. However, the eCapsule purchase and its management are kept separately for each device.

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